You’re probably tearing your hair out right now while looking for free, high-caliber stock images. Plus, the deadline is just couple of hours away and you’re still trawling the Internet for the right sources so you can get your attribution right.
While paying for beautiful, premium photos is an option, the Internet is filled to the brim with free, first-rate images that you can use for personal projects or for your clients’ sites. Only if you know where to look.
After years of experiencing the same stock photo woes as you, we’ve mastered the art of knowing where to find the ones that stand out. Besides the high-quality nature of the images provided by the sites we list down below, each free stock photo site in the list falls under the Creative Commons Zero license. This means you can use them for free and modify them to your liking. Even for commercial use!
Best Stock Photo Free allows photographers to voluntarily donate their shots for this creative project. Majority of the photos do not require attribution. [registration required]
Updated regularly, Designer Pics is a personal project of web designer and developer Jeshu John from India. Taken by John himself, the high-resolution photographs are free for personal & commercial use. Attribution not required.
Fancy Crave provides high-caliber images without requiring attribution. The folks behind Fancy Crave handpicks and gives away two free authentic photos every day. You can also browse by category in their Gallery section and download their theme packs.
Captured by minimalist Jakub Kapusnak based in Prague, the free photos displayed at Foodie’s Feed is a haven for for those who are looking for images of food and drinks that can also be modified. No need for attribution. [option to download all images for $5]
If you’re on the lookout for images of nature – from large ocean waves to bushes to snapshots of autumn, simply type in Free Nature Stock in your browser. Updated daily by designer Adrian Pelletier, the site’s images are free for both commercial and personal use. Attribution is not required.
All of the images at Gratisography are by visual artist Ryan McGuire and are available for free. Attribution is not required and you can modify the photographs to your liking. Redistribution is not allowed.
All of the images in Kaboompics are taken by Polish web designer Karolina Grabowska.You can do anything you want with the photos, even for commercial use, except redistribution. No need for attribution.
All images at Libre Shot are taken by Martin Vorel from Czech Republic. You can download all of his photos for free and use it on your websites, blogs, or even commercial projects. Attribution not necessary.
Curated by the fine folks at the LEEROY creative agency and their network of photographers in Montreal, Life of Pix is a gallery of free use, high-quality photographs released to the public domain. A photographer is featured each week and attribution is not necessary.
With one curated photo a day, Magdeleine houses a collection of handpicked images that you can download, use, and modify for free. Majority of their curated photographs do not require attribution.
Negative Space is home to photographers who want to share their beautiful, free high-resolution images without restrictions to users. Attribution not required.
If you’re looking for nifty vintage photos that are available for personal and non-commercial use, consider hopping to New Old Stock. This collection by product designer Cole Townsend is available under public domain licensing. Attribution is required for majority of the images but you may have to double check licensing for some of the images.
With over 25,000 free stock photos and at least 3,000 new high resolution photos added every month, Pexels is the ultimate to-go resource. Many of their images are aggregated from Unsplash, Gratisography, and Little Visuals.
Created by designer & photographer Viktor Hanacek, Picjumbo is one of the largest sites that provides free, first-rate images for free, including for commercial purposes. Redistribution of the images is not allowed while attribution is not required.
Picography is the brainchild of the folks behind Hidden Depth, a web design and branding agency based in Ireland. All images can be downloaded and used for free. No attribution needed.
At Pixabay, you can download, modify, distribute, and use their images for both personal and commercial purposes. Everyone can contribute to the collection but contributors have to adhere to strict guidelines to ensure high-quality photographs are up for grabs. Attribution is not required. [Captcha or registration required]
As its name implies, all of the images found at the Public Domain Archive are dedicated to the public. You are free to copy, modify, distribute and perform the work on the images, even for commercial use. Attribution not required.
If you’re after authentic, natural-looking photos that can be downloaded and modified for free, Refe is a stellar resource for both commercial and personal purposes. Redistribution is not allowed. [Registration required]
Skitterphoto started out as a small gallery of photographs by two photographers from Netherlands. Currently, they accept submissions and allows users to copy, modify, distribute and perform the work of their images, even for commercial purposes. Attribution not required.
Want spectacular photos of space? Hop on over to the Flickr account of Space X where most of the images are released are free to use, edit, and even redistribute.
SplitShire started out as a side project of Italian graphic designer Daniel Nanescu. Currently, Nanescu’s high-quality images are available for free, whether for commercial or personal use.
If you’re curious where to find business-themed photos that look authentic and not as cringe-inducing as the usual business stock photos, Startup Stock Photos is your best bet. All images can be downloaded and used for free without attribution.
Stock Snap calls themselves as a badass repository of beautiful stock photography and they’ve lived up to this label, with hundreds of high resolution photographs added weekly. All photos may be used and modified for personal and commercial use without attribution.
Albeit a small collection, Stokpic compiles high-quality photographs that you’re free to do whatever you please, except for redistribution. Attribution not necessary.
As one of the pioneers in providing high-quality stock photos, Unsplash allows users to work with their beautiful gallery of images as they wish. By signing up for their newsletter, you also get 10 high quality photos every 10 days straight to your email.
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